Frequently asked questions
General FAQs
How many SENSE devices can be linked to one account?
For optimal functioning speed of the Sense app, we would advice to install up to 6 devices per account. It is possible to add multiple devices but this slows down the app considerably and makes the interpretation of the data more difficult.
For professional users: with the Renson Link desktop application there is no limitation in the amount of devices linked to one Renson account. Data is consultable via Renson Dashboard.
How do I add new devices to my app?
You can add new devices as follows:
- Go to the main screen and click on the 3 horizontal bars on the left.
- Click on 'My devices'. Click on 'Add device.' Here you click the product you want to add. You can make a selection between two Renson devices: WAVES and / or SENSE.
On your main screen you can navigate through your connected devices via the dropdown.
How do I add new devices to my account via Renson Link?
To configure a new device, click on 'add device'. This button calls up a wizard to start the configuration.
Note: The device must be switched on. If the device is already switched on and it does not appear in the list, reboot the device to activate the internal access point of the Sense device.
The application will now search for the Wi-Fi networks of the available devices . Choose a device from this list and go to the next steps in the configuration process.
How do I add users to my device?
Once the device is linked to a user, it is possible to invite other users via the My-Lio web portal. In this way, you can add all users at once without them having to add the device again each time. This is done in the following way:
Surf to: (log in with the same info you used to register the devices)
- Click on the device you want to share with others
- Click on 'Invite users' at the top right
- Fill in the details and click on the check mark. You can then choose whether you want to add more people by clicking on '+ Add user'
- Click on 'Invite' The added users will each receive an email with instructions. After downloading the Sense application the paired devices will be immediately visible.
How do I change the name of my device?
You can change the name of your device in 3 possible ways:
Via My-Lio webportaal
- Go to: and click on 'My Devices' in the left navigation balk. On your screen all your linked devices will appear.
- Click on the pencil in the left corner of your device and edit the name.
- Save by clicking on the check mark.
Via Renson Link desktop application
- Go to the configuration settings of your device. Click on the 3 dots next to a device in the list and select 'Configure'. Rename your device and click on 'Save Configuration'. Note ! When using the Renson Link tool, make sure your laptop is connected to the same network where you have installed your Sense devices.
Via the Sense mobile application
- The device name can only be changed when you are on the same network with which the SENSE or WAVES device is connected.Note: You cannot change the settings when you are connected with 4G! T
his also applies to the installation data. These will only be visible when both your devices and smartphone are connected to the same network.
- Go to the main screen and click on the 3 horizontal bars on the left.
- Click 'My Devices' and the device you want to rename.
- Then click on 'Installation details'. As soon as you click on the name, it can be changed.
How do you remove a device from your account?
You can easily remove devices from your account via the mobile appliclation but you can also do this action via the Renson Link desktop tool or via My-Lio webportal
Via Mijn-Lio webportal
- Go to: and click on 'My Devices' in the left navigation balk. On your screen all your linked devices will appear. Click on the device you would like to remove from your account.
- On the top right corner you will see a button 'Unlink'. When you unlink your device from your device you won't have access anymore to the device.
Via Renson Link
- Click on the 3 dots next to a device in the list and select 'Unlink from My Lio'. Your device will now be deleted from your account.
- If you want to delete multiple devices at the same time, you can also proceed with a bulk action.
- Select in the list the devices you want to delete.
- Click on 'Bulk Actions' and select 'Unlink from My Lio'. All the selected devices will now be deleted from your account.
Via the mobile application Sense
- Go to the main screen and click on the 3 horizontal bars on the left.
- Click on "My devices" and on the device you want to disconnect.
- Then click on 'Disconnect device'. You will receive an email in your mailbox saying that you are no longer linked to the device in question.
How do I create an account?
When only using the Renson Link, you should first create an account via My-Lio.
You can also create an account via the mobile application. There you will be redirected to the My-Lio registration.
What does the color and icon feedback mean on my SENSE?
When the device is set as a CO2 sensor only, the visual LED feedback only refers to the CO2 content. Other sensors that are present in the device are still being measured and can be consulted in the SENSE App. No symbols are shown on the display (except for the cloud indicating CO2) as the device is only set as a CO2 meter. If the device turns red, that is solely caused by a too high CO2 content.
- Blue LED ring:≤ 800ppm
- Orange LED ring:> 800 ppm & ≤ 1200 ppm
- Red LED ring:> 1200 ppm
These limit values (800 and 1200 ppm) can be adjusted in the settings of the app or via Renson Link.
This is a device-specific setting and must therefore be done on each individual device in case several devices are linked to 1 account.
Comfort Index
All sensors are shown on the display when detected: CO2, VOC, relative humidity, temperature, light and sound. These sensors translate into symbols and thus indicate what is causing the lack of comfort/indoor air quality. This is based on a general calculation of the Comfort Index.
- Blue LED ring: Good Comfort Index
- Orange LED ring: Average Comfort Index due to e.g. relative humidity and VOCs
- Red LED ring: Poor Comfort Index due to e.g. temperature and CO2
Does SENSE also remember data when the device is not connected to a network?
Is there a dashboard or app to view all the information?
The Sense app is available for all users. Via the mobile application you can consult all your live-data of your device. The app also allows historical view of your data up to 1 week. To be able to view it, it is important that your device is connected to a Wi-Fi network and that your device is plugged in. Only use the cable supplied with the product for this purpose.
Het Renson Dashboard is a free platform for all professional users of Sense. The Renson Dashboard shows the history of all your sensors (to 1 year back) and gives you the possibility to export the data. This way, you can use the data for control or own analysis.
Is there a possibility to integrate a API solution?
With our 3rd party cloud API integration, Sense can be easily built into your building management system. This integration allows companies to store all data from their sensors for professional use.
For more info contact us at
Is it possible to view data over a longer period of time?
The exact data and history are visible in the app over a period of 7 days.
Historical data can be consulted via Renson Dashboard over a period of 1 year.
Do I have to change my network setting every time I move the device?
Update SENSE firmware / OS software
Software updates are carried out automatically when your SENSE is connected to the network.
After the software update you do not need to reconnect. No data is lost.
Am I an End User or Professional Installer and what is the difference?
End user = everyone who uses the device and data
Professional installer = someone who only installs the devices and will not be able to read/use data. This is usually an external party.
How do I manually enter the SENSE Wi-Fi menu?
Activate SENSE by touching the device with your full hand for 1 second. This can result in the three possible colors (blue, orange or red), whether or not combined with one or more icons:
Press the bottom arrow:
Click on the top and bottom arrow simultaneously for 1 second to enter the Wi-Fi menu:
In this menu, the LED ring will light up purple and 4 arrows will be displayed. Use the top arrow when you want to install your device via WPS. Use the bottom arrow if you want to reset the Wi-Fi.
How can you reconfigure the SENSE network?
This is done either via this button description, via the mobile Sense application or via Renson Link.
You do not have to remove the SENSE device from the app, but you have to go through the entire flow again to install the device.
For visual instructions go to FAQs SENSE => USAGE => How do I manually enter the SENSE Wi-Fi menu?
- Activate SENSE by touching the device with your full hand for 1 second. This can result in the three possible colors (blue, orange or red), whether or not combined with one or more icons.
- Press the bottom arrow
- Click on the top and bottom arrow simultaneously for 1 second to enter the Wi-Fi menu
- In this menu, the LED ring lights up in purple.
- Then press and hold the bottom arrow for 5 seconds. This will cause the previously network be deleted.
To reset the Wi-Fi connection via the mobile application, please follow below instructions
- Go to the setting of the selected device and click trough until you get to 'Wi-Fi configuration'.
-In this menu, you can click on 'Reconfigure Wi-Fi' to reinstall the connection.
Via Renson Link
- If you want to connect your device to a different network or if the login details of your Wi-Fi network have changed, you can reconfigure a device. To do this, click on the 3 dots next to a device in the list and select 'Reconfigure Wi-Fi'.
Can SENSE also be used on an iPad?
How do I get more information about the sensors in the app?
Can I move my Sense device from one room to another, without losing my data?
You can change the location of your Sense device, without losing any data. When you change the location of the device within the same Wi-Fi network, you don't have to take anything into account.
When changing to, for example a different facility, you might need to reconfigure the Wi-Fi connection in order to be able to retrieve data. The historical data will remain visible in the mobile application and Renson Dashboard.
Set-up and configuration
How do you activate and change the CO2 limit values in the app?
What does a spinning blue LED ring with illuminated icons and arrows mean?
This feedback indicates the start-up of the device. It will be visible during the first use or occurs as a result of a power failure (whether deliberate or not).
After this feedback, your SENSE device will be operational again without loss of settings. This behaviour will end after 3 full turns. If after start-up you actively (by passing your hand over the device) request LED feedback within 30 seconds, it will not be shown yet. After 30 seconds it will be again available.
A Wi-Fi icon is visible in combination with a blue fill-up effect in the LED ring. What is happening?
Is my SENSE connected to the network? How can I check this without using the app?
For visual instructions go to FAQs SENSE => USAGE => How do I manually enter the SENSE Wi-Fi menu?
- Activate SENSE by touching the device with your full hand for 1 second. This can result in the three possible colors (blue, orange or red), whether or not combined with one or more icons.
- Press the bottom arrow
- Click on the top and bottom arrow simultaneously for 1 second to enter the Wi-Fi menu
- In this menu, the LED ring lights up in purple.
If the Wi-Fi icon lights up continuously, it means that there are saved credentials. This means that the device will immediately connects to the Wi-Fi network when it becomes available. In case the Wi-Fi router cannot send a signal, SENSE cannot connect to it.
If the Wi-Fi icon flashes, this is a sign that no Wi-Fi credentials have been stored and the device, in other words, cannot connect.
In the latter case, this must be reconfigured using the app.
Is my SENSE connected to the network? How can I check this?
- Via mobile app: go to the settings of your selected device and go to the Wi-Fi menu. Here you can consult the status of the connection.
- Via Renson Link: on the mainscreen of the desktop application, you can find an overview of the online status of your devices.
- Via My-Lio: log-in into your account and go to 'My devices'. When the check mark is green, your device is connected.
- VVia Renson Dashboard: in the general overview on the homepage you can check your device connection status. If the status is OK then your device is connected to your network.
How can I connect SENSE to the network (WPS) without using the app?
Plug in your SENSE. The device will broadcast its 'SENSE network' for 40 minutes.
For visual instructions go to FAQs SENSE => USAGE => How do I manually enter the SENSE Wi-Fi menu?
- Activate SENSE by touching the device with your full hand for 1 second. This can result in the three possible colors (blue, orange or red), whether or not combined with one or more icons.
- Press the bottom arrow
- Click on the top and bottom arrow simultaneously for 1 second to enter the Wi-Fi menu
- In this menu, the LED ring lights up in purple.
- Then click on the top arrow. The LED ring will light up white.
- Go to your Wi-Fi router and then press the WPS button here:
SENSE will then display a green LED ring if it has successfully received the WPS signal from the router.
If the signal was not found, you will see a red LED ring.
How can I connect SENSE to the network without using the app or WPS?
You can use the desktop tool, Renson Link, made for professional end-users.
To configure a new device, click on 'add device'. This button calls up a wizard to start the configuration.
Note: The device must be switched on. If the device is already switched on and it does not appear in the list, reboot the device to activate the internal access point of the Sense device.
- The app will now search for the Wi-Fi networks of the available devices . Choose a device from this list and go to the next steps in the configuration process.
- Authorise your device by tapping any of the buttons on the Sense device. Once authorised the device will light up green.
-In the next step, you will be asked to connect your device to your choosen Wi-Fi network. Fill in the password and click on 'Next'.
Your Sense device will now connect to the selected Wi-Fi netwerk and will simultaneously link the device at your My-Lio account.
Can SENSE be linked to a 5GHz network?
No, this is not possible and will not be possible in the near future.
The network specifications for this device are: 802.11 b/g/n @2.4GHz
Is it possible to use SENSE with a longer USB-C cable?
The included custom made USB-C cable is 1m50 long.
The longer the cable, the greater the loss and the lower the voltage that accrues to SENSE. There is a risk that the CO2 sensor can no longer measure correctly. With a longer cable we can no longer guarantee optimal operation of the device.
Where do I best place my SENSE in a room?
- Place the device as centrally as possible in the monitored area.
- Place the device in the “breathing zone” for the most accurate measurements:
- Between 70 centimeters and 1.8 meters from the ground *
- For wall mounting, a height of 1.5 meters from the ground is ideal
- Do not place the device in direct sunlight
- Do not place the device on an outer wall, this wall is always colder. Is the exterior wall the only place for SENSE, place a wooden shelf behind the device.
- Do not place the device in hot or cold airflows
*If the unit is placed on a height of less than 70 cm (such as a coffee table), the values will be slightly different. Please take this into account.
How do you activate and change the 'dark mode' on SENSE?
In the settings you can set the 'dark mode' of your device. Go to 'my settings', click on 'my devices' and then click on the device you wish to change. Under the visual set-up settings, this function can be activated. This function is especially useful when the device stands in the bedroom. You can personalize the intensity and time interval of your choice. So can you set the LED ring to light up less intensely. There are three functions that make it possible to personalize your choice:
- The slider allows you to turn dark mode on and off. When you slide the slider to the right and it turns blue, you are sure that the dark mode function is activated.
- When activating dark mode, you can also determine when the dark mode function should be off. By using the 'stop' and 'play' buttons, you can set the time. The 'stop' button means that dark mode will no longer be active at the set time. The 'play' button activates the dark mode from the time it is set.
- You can also determine the intensity of the LED feedback. The more you slide the slider to the right, the more intense the light from the LED feedback will be.
How do you change the time interval of the LED feedback via mobile application?
By default, the time interval of the LED feedback of your device is set to 5 minutes. This means that every 5 minutes you receive visually a status update about your indoor air quality. Via the slider you can choose to light up your device from a 5-minute time interval to a maximum of one hour.
- Go to the settings of the selected device and go to 'Visualisation set-up'.
- In the section of 'display feedback' you can further click on the function 'Repeat LED feedback'. Here you will be able to configure the time interval of the LED on your device.
There are 3 options which you can choose from:
- Via the 'Time interval' slider you can choose to light up your device from a 5-minute time interval to a maximum of one hour.
- Continue LED-feedback is also possible to set via the mobile application. ! Note: this function influences the accuracy of measurements regarding to Temperature, Relative Humidity & Light. Therefor we cannot guarantee correct values of these affected sensors. We advise to only enable this setting when necessary due to specific regulations regarding the visisbility of CO2 feedback.
- No repeating or no feedback. If desired, the light intensity of the LED feedback can also be adjusted as desired.
How do you change the settings of the LED feedback via Renson Link?
There are two possible ways to change the settings of your device: per device or via a bulk action
- Per device: If you want to configure your device, click on the 3 dots next to a device in the list and select 'Configure'. You will know be guided to the configuration settings where you can adjust the following settings: LED time interval, LED intensity, name, sensors & CO2 tresholds.
- Via a bulk action: Select the devices in the list which you want to reconfigure. Click on 'Bulk Action' and choose the option 'Configure'. You will know be guided to the configuration settings where you can adjust the following settings: LED time interval, LED intensity, sensors & CO2 tresholds.
Can I choose to set only 2 or 3 sensors of my choice for the LED feedback display?
If you do not want to use the global Renson comfort index, but only want to visualise 1 or more specific sensors on your on your devices, then this is also possible.
Go to visual settings. Click on the desired sensors. They will colour blue when selected.
This setting will only be imported on the LED feedback of the device itself. Therefore the colour of the device and the application will be different.
Does the mobile application or Renson Dashboard allow to receive push notifications when my CO2 levels reach a critical level?
Why can't I configure my device in the initial set-up? The application doesn't show these steps.
The Sense product regurarly gets firmware/software updates that Renson sends out to devices in the field. As this is a stock product, it can happen that you receive a product with still an older firmware version.
In this case, the device first needs to retrieve its update from our server to properly function and to be able to go trough the steps of configuration.
The app detects this automatically, and will guide you immediately to the connection steps instead of the configuration steps. It's important to firstly connect your device to the home network. Normally it takes about maximum 5 minutes after connection before the device will automatically update. The update itself will take 30 seconds.
After the update is installed, you can go the settings of your device and click trough 'Installation details'. In this menu you can choose the option of 'Change configuration'. You will be taken through the configuration flow.
Problems during installation
SENSE cannot connect to the Wi-Fi network, now what?
One possible problem is a weak or lost Wi-Fi signal. Usually this is due to a too weak transmission power of a standard modem or router or because the space in which you installed SENSE is too far removed from that router. Obstacles such as concrete walls and thermal insulation with aluminium foil can negatively influence the signal.
If possible, change the location of your router. You can also turn the direction of the router antenna to the place where SENSE is installed.
! Note: Not all routers have a movable antenna. Install a Wi-Fi repeater, also known as a range extender, to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal if the solutions above do not work.
What to do in case of connection problems with SENSE and your phone?
Check the following:
- Does the network meet the requirements prescribed by SENSE: 802.11 b/g/n @2.4GHz?
If no, another network will be required.
- Is 4G off when the app searches for SENSE? If no, try again with 4G switched off. Note that smartphones automatically will look for networks with internet access. The Acces Point of Sense itself is not comparible to a regular Wi-Fi network and doesn't contain internet. Therefore smartphone devices will always prioritise looking for devices via 4G.
- Is there a correct connection to the Sense's network (Acces Point = AP)? As soon as SENSE is plugged in, the device emits a signal for 40 minutes (AP). Check this with your Wi-Fi settings on your smartphone to see if it is connected to "SENSE_......"
If not, disable your 4G, try reconnecting to Sense its network and go through the steps again.
If your are a iOS user, you might need to give permission to search on the local network. To check this on your device, go to 'settings', then to 'privacy policy' and click on 'local network'.
If you receive a pop-up notification during configuration of your device that says 'Something went wrong', please contact
My SENSE does not connect to my corporate network?
WPA2-Enterprise only to a limited extent possible.
Currently only PEAP-MSCHAPv2 and TTLS-MSCHAPv2 are supported.
Please contact us via to see if your network is compatible with Sense.
My company network is too complex to install Sense devices. What can I do as alternative?
Some company networks are highly complex and protected against external communication flows. We recommend to set up a hidden WPA2 personal network.
This WPA2 personal network can then optionally also implement MAC filtering. This in combination with "hiding" the network can be a safe alternative to keep the Sense devices separated from the customer network.
Linking devices to a "hidden" Wi-Fi network can only be done via the embedded page. For more info on the embedded page instructions, please contact
My device is connected to the Enterprise network, but does not seem to be able to display data.
If it is certain that the device is connected to the correct network, the following things are possible reasons why the device does not connect to the server:
The following setting in the network must be OFF to connect: BlockLAN to WLAN Multicast and Broadcast Data
Make sure the UDP server on port 49152 to find devices in the network (discovery) is open for communication.
My (highly secured) network does not accept automatically generated IP addresses. How can I get my device still online?
We currently do not support the setting of a static IP address on our devices. For IoT devices we recommend the use of a DHCP reservation.
A DHCP reservation is a preset IP address that is provided by a DHCP server based on the MAC address and is given to a device when it requests an IP address from a DHCP server.
You can request the MAC adresses of your devices via with the mentioning of the garanty number of the device.
What if my SENSE is stuck on an old software version?
When your Sense device crashes, you can use the factory reset button to restore the settings to the factory settings (CO2 limits, preferred sensors, dark mode, ...). In addition, the Wi-Fi network is forgotten. Press the hard factory reset button on the side of the device for at least 10 seconds (see photo).
For this you will need a fine stick such as a paperclip
Make sure you press hard enough and long enough.
A red flashing LED ring will then appear when the factory reset button is released. When it becomes steady and green, the reset is complete.
My iOS device cannot find a local network?
How come my SENSE barely lights up?
By default, the time interval of the LED feedback of your device is set to 5 minutes. This means that every 5 minutes you receive visually a status update about your indoor air quality.
Via the slider you can choose to light up your device from a 5-minute time interval to a maximum of one hour or you can choose for the permanent LED feedback setting.
How come my app background colour is not monochrome with the LED ring on my SENSE device?
In the app you can adjust the values of your sensors. For the time being in the current app, the explanation of the sensors and their treshold will be on 'fix'.
The adjustment of the tresholds and thus the colour indication according to your set values is only applicable on the SENSE device. In the dashboard of the app you will always get the feedback of the Comfort Index, not that of e.g. CO2 only (if you would have adjusted this in the settings).
! Attention: the data shown in the app can differ up to a maximum of 5 minutes from the feedback displayed on the SENSE device
Further info on Sense
What do the icons mean?
Comfort Index
The RENSON COMFORT INDEX is a representation of the 'comfort' in a specific room. Based on data from various sensors, Renson determines an indication of the comfort, taking air quality, thermal comfort, and noise into account. The Renson comfort index is by no means an absolute value, but a guideline value based on scientific analysis of factors that influence indoor comfort, such as CO2, temperature, relative humidity, VOCs, noise, etc. This general calculation happens every 30 seconds and work according to certain classes. If a class exceeds its limit values it will result in a different colour. However, the three fixed colours remain: blue, orange and red.
These aspects affects a person's well-being, but their use in the environment is also important. The right lightning is needed to carry out work tasks, to motivate us and, at the same time, to create a positive/creative atmosphere. Too much light intensity can also lead to eye fatigue and migraines, which in turn hinder our productivity and focus.
The intensity of sound and noise pollution affects our daily life and happiness. The sensor determines the sound level (in dB), which is not always audible to the human ear. In this way, acoustic comfort is guaranteed.
Temperature affects more than just your comfort. It can also affect your performance, the quality of your sleep and the proper functioning of your immune system to fight off pathogens.
Relative Humidity
The Relative Humidity is the ratio of moisture in the air. The RH can be both too low or too high. RH can affect the occurrence of respiratory infections and allergies, as well as the moisture content in the vicinity of thermal bridges (building).
VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds)
VOCs or volatile organic compounds are gases produced by aerosols, cleaning products, the emission of furniture, glue or other building materials. They can cause short- and long-term health problems.
CO2 is a substance that we exhale and that is used as a measure of air exchange indoors. The CO2 content can quickly rise to unhealthy levels and can cause headaches, fatigue and difficulty concentrating.
Is SENSE a CO2 measuring device?
Yes, but it is more than a CO2 meter. SENSE has 5 other sensors besides CO2.
You can choose how you want to use your device: exclusively as a CO2 meter or as a Comfort monitor that also monitors other factors. The latter is the Comfort Index.
The SENSE display provides a colour feedback that prompts action. For example: screen colours red = action = extra ventilation. If you want to know the correct ppm value, you can consult the application.
It is not possible to read off the exact data on the device itself, but you can consult it in the app.
Can SENSE remove aerosols from the air?
Where can I find a return policy?
5. Where can I find my warranty card?
Your invoice is your warranty card. The authorisation key is also your personal device number. It is important to keep this number.
The authorisation key is also your personal device number. It is important to keep this number. This is stated on the leaflet as well as on the device itself:
Can SENSE be purchased with batteries?
No, there is no version available that runs on batteries. Power via a USB-C cable is needed to guarantee the operation of all sensors.
You can always connect a power bank to it.
A small power bank of 1200mAh will guarantee smooth operation between 6 and 12 hours. A more powerful copy of 10000mAh can supply sufficient power for a day or 4 in normal operation.
How is the CO2 sensor calibrated?
The CO2 sensor is factory calibrated and self-calibrate during use. Due to mechanical stress, assembly,... the CO2 value at start-up can be too high.
Below the explanation of the manufacturer:""The sensor is shipped from the factory with empty ABC buffer. Following generic algorithm and default timing after the first startup the sensors will start saving data in the memory of ABC buffer every 4 hours. On the first 24th hour of continues operation the sensor will do first correction based on first 6 datapoints, after that the sensor will be increasing amount of data points until the ABC buffer is filled with the data."
The sensors will have to 'calibrate' themselves every time you install the device in a new area. The sensor will automatically adjust itself based on the last 14 days. We always take a period of 7-14 days into account. This period is to ensure that in case of poor ventilation, the CO2 base value does not systematically increase in the usage phase over the next few years. If historical data is already available, the calibration in itself should not take long.
In order to obtain accurate measurements, the CO2 meter is automatically calibrated. This assumes that the CO2 concentration drops to 400 ppm (the CO2 concentration of outside air) at least once a week. For this calibration method to work properly, you must therefore ventilate the room properly at least once a week.
It is important that the device is always connected and stays in power (at least the first week) otherwise it cannot keep itself in calibration.
What is the frequency of forwarding, for example, the CO2 sensor data to the app?
What is the frequency of the sensors in measuring data?
Each sensor will measure a datapoint every 30 seconds. This info can be read on the live-data overview in the mobile application.
The datapoints (every 30 seconds) are being captured and send to our server every 5minutes.
The historic data you find in the mobile application by means of graphs. These graphs are made by the average of the received datapoints giving every 30 seconds. To make this graph we calculate an average datapoint each 5 minutes.
How far does the CO2 sensor reach in measurement capacity in a room?
The reach of the CO2 sensor goes up to 250m2.